The Elegant Chantilly-Tiffany Cat Breed

The Elegant Chantilly-Tiffany Cat Breed

The Chantilly-Tiffany, also known as the Chantilly or Tiffany cat, is a relatively new breed developed in the mid 1900s. They are best known for their semi-long, silk-like coats and gentle, playful personalities that make them ideal pets. Read on to learn more about these elegant felines.

Introduction The Chantilly-Tiffany Cat Breed

The Chantilly-Tiffany is the result of a cross between a Burmese and a longhaired breed, likely a Persian or Angora, in the 1950s. They were first bred in the United States by Jennie Robinson. Chantilly-Tiffanys have a semi-foreign body type coupled with a long, silky coat. Most are born white and darken as they mature.

Affectionate with Family: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Amount of Shedding: ⭐⭐
General Health: ⭐⭐⭐

Potential for Playfulness: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Tendency to Vocalize: ⭐⭐
Kid-Friendly: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Friendly Toward Strangers: ⭐⭐⭐

Easy to Groom: ⭐⭐

Intelligence: ⭐⭐⭐
Pet Friendly: ⭐⭐⭐

  • Appearance: Semi-foreign body, long and silky coat,comes in many colors
  • Characteristics: Intelligent, playful, energetic, affectionate
  • Popularity: Rare, few breeders worldwide
  • Temperament: Gentle, loyal, loves attention
  • Lifespan: 9-15 years
  • Coat: Long, silky, little undercoat
  • Mixed breed: Originated from crossing Burmese and longhaired cats

Caring for a Chantilly-Tiffany Cat Breed


  • High-quality dry food
  • Canned food occasionally
  • Meat-based proteins


  • Lots of toys and climbable surfaces
  • Cat trees and scratching posts
  • Access to sunny windows


  • Daily brushing to prevent matting
  • Bathing monthly
  • Trim nails every 2-3 weeks
  • Plenty of playtime, puzzles, and affection

Adopting/Buying a Chantilly-Tiffany

  1. Popularity: North America, Europe, Australia
  2. Price: $1200+ USD
  3. Rescues: Limited breed-specific groups

Before adoption:

  • Health: Active, clear eyes/nose, healthy coat
  • Vaccinations: FVRCP, rabies, FeLV
  • History: Rule out genetic conditions

Preparing for a Chantilly-Tiffany

  • Cat-proof home, provide scratching posts
  • Stock up on food, litter, grooming tools
  • Find a trusted cat sitter for travel
  • Schedule vet visits; keep up with preventatives
  • Provide stimulation through playtime and toys
  • Groom regularly; invest in quality tools
  • Respiratory infections, dental issues
  • Core vaccines plus chlamydia, FIV

Chantilly-Tiffany Cat Names

Short, sweet, 1-2 syllables work best

Pairs like Minty & Misty, Smokey & Ash

Do Chantilly-Tiffany cat like going out rather than staying home?

They can enjoy supervised outdoor time using a leash and harness. Mostly indoor.

Is a Chantilly-Tiffany cat a Smart cat?

Yes, highly intelligent and can learn tricks easily.

How many type of Chantilly-Tiffany cat?

Just one breed with coat color variations.

How to stop cat Bitting?

Say “no” firmly, walk away and ignore them. Redirect biting to toys.

How to stop Chantilly-Tiffany cat Scratch?

Provide scratching posts. Use deterrent spray on forbidden areas.

How to do Socialisation and Raising Friendly for Chantilly-Tiffany cat?

Gently expose kittens to new sights, people, pets; reward good behavior.

How to Train your cat?

Use praise, treats, clicker training. Have short, fun sessions.

How long should we check for Chantilly-Tiffany cat’s health with vet?

Annual checkups, more often for senior cats. Address any emerging health issues promptly.

Are cats good family pets?

Yes, when raised with proper handling, socialization. Supervise young children.

Are cats good with children?

Mostly, though rambunctious kids should be supervised. Better with older, gentle kids.

Are cats good with other animals?

Usually fine, especially if raised together. Proper introductions are key.

Can cats cause allergies?

Their long coats produce more dander than short-haired cats. Not hypoallergenic.

Are Chantilly-Tiffany cat ferocious?

No, cats are gentle, mild-tempered cats, not aggressive.

Are Chantilly-Tiffany cat have much hair loss problems?

Shed minimally. Overgrooming, fleas, infections may cause bald spots.

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