Can Cats Eat Greek Yogurt? A Healthy Treat or a Hidden Danger & The Vet’s Answer May Surprise You

Can Cats Eat Greek Yogurt? A Healthy Treat or a Hidden Danger & The Vet’s Answer May Surprise You

Can cats eat Greek yogurt? This is a common question for cat owners looking for healthy treats for their feline friends. Greek yogurt has risen in popularity due to its thick, creamy texture and high protein content. But is it safe for cats to eat? Keep reading to learn the answer.


Greek yogurt is a strained yogurt that has been concentrated to remove most of the liquid whey. This gives it a very thick and creamy texture. Greek yogurt contains higher amounts of protein than regular yogurt. It also often contains live cultures and probiotics that provide digestive and immune system benefits. Can Cats Eat Greek Yogurt? For humans, Greek yogurt can be a nutritious addition to a balanced diet. But what about for our feline companions? Can cats have Greek yogurt too?

Can cats eat Greek yogurt?

The answer is yes, cats can eat Greek yogurt in moderation. Greek yogurt is not toxic or immediately dangerous to cats. The main ingredients in Greek yogurt are milk and live cultures, both of which are safe for cats to consume. The probiotics and nutrients found in Greek yogurt can also provide some benefits to cats. However, yogurt is still not an essential part of a cat’s diet. While small amounts of Greek yogurt are fine, it should not make up a large portion of your cat’s regular diet.

Is Greek yogurt safe for cats?

Can Cats Eat Greek Yogurt? Some cats enjoy the taste of yogurt and may try to lick it off your spoon or steal some from your bowl. Many cat owners have also found success mixing small amounts of yogurt into their cat’s wet food. So why do cats seem to like Greek yogurt if it’s not designed for them?

There are a few reasons cats may be attracted to Greek yogurt. The creamy, smooth texture is similar to the paté-style wet foods cats enjoy. The tangy flavor provides something different from their usual diet. Yogurt also contains more moisture than dry kibble, which entices cats to consume more. Can Cats Eat Greek Yogurt? However, just because your cat wants to eat Greek yogurt does not mean free access is a good idea.

Is Greek yogurt poisonous to cats?

Can Cats Eat Greek Yogurt? While Greek yogurt is not outright toxic to cats, that does not mean they can eat unlimited amounts with no consequences. Yogurt is still a dairy product, and many cats are lactose intolerant to some degree. Consuming too much dairy can lead to digestive upset like vomiting, diarrhea, gas, and bloating.

The high-fat content in Greek yogurt could also cause issues like pancreatitis if a cat eats a lot of it. Too much yogurt may also lead to nutritional imbalances since it does not provide complete nutrition for cats. Can Cats Eat Greek Yogurt? For these reasons, yogurt should be fed only in moderation as an occasional snack or additive, not a dietary staple.

Benefits of Greek yogurt for cats

Now that we’ve covered the risks, let’s look at why a small amount of Greek yogurt can be beneficial for cats. Here are some of the advantages:

  • High protein content to support muscles and growth
  • Probiotics to support healthy digestion and immunity
  • Calcium for bone health
  • Low lactose compared to regular milk
  • Hydration from moisture in yogurt
  • Some B vitamins and minerals cats need

Can Cats Eat Greek Yogurt? Again, the benefits are dose-dependent. A tablespoon or two provides nutrients without overdoing it on the dairy.

How much Greek yogurt can cats eat?

Can Cats Eat Greek Yogurt? The recommended dosage for yogurt is around 1-2 teaspoons per 5 pounds of body weight, 1-2 times per week. Anything beyond this may cause digestive upset. For a 10 pound cat, 2-3 teaspoons of yogurt 2 times weekly is a good rule of thumb. Always start slowly with new foods.

How to feed Greek yogurt to cats

The best way to introduce yogurt is to mix a small amount into your cat’s wet food. Can Cats Eat Greek Yogurt? Start with 1⁄4 teaspoon and work up slowly over a week. Make sure to stick to plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt with no artificial sweeteners, which are toxic for cats.

If your cat turns up their nose at yogurt, don’t force it. Can Cats Eat Greek Yogurt? Not all cats like or tolerate dairy products. You can try mixing in a pinch of nutritional yeast or freeze-dried meat powder to make the yogurt more enticing. Warming it up a bit can also help spread the aroma. But if your cat refuses yogurt, simply try a different healthy treat.

Alternatives and supplements

If Greek yogurt doesn’t agree with your cat, there are many other foods and supplements that provide similar benefits:

  • Chicken, beef, fish for high-quality protein
  • Bone broth for hydration and minerals
  • Whole meat cat food or raw diet for nutrients/probiotics
  • FortiFlora probiotic powder for digestive health
  • PetCo, Blue Buffalo, Tiki Cat, Wellness Core, Natural Balance. Can Cats Eat Greek Yogurt? These brands offer balanced cat food with probiotics and natural ingredients cats need.

Can Maine Coon Cats Eat Greek Yogurt?

Yes, Maine Coon cats can eat small amounts of plain Greek yogurt as an occasional treat. Since Maine Coons are prone to heart disease, yogurt provides healthy nutrients, but too much can lead to weight gain which stresses the heart.

Can Persian Cats Eat Greek Yogurt?

Persian cats can eat small portions of plain Greek yogurt. But Persians are prone to dental issues, so limit yogurt since the sugar and lactose can harm teeth.

Can Sphynx Cats Eat Greek Yogurt?

Sphynx cats can eat plain Greek yogurt in moderation. The hydration and probiotics support their sensitive digestive systems. But limit yogurt since Sphynx cats are prone to obesity.

Can Bengal Cats Eat Greek Yogurt?

Bengal cats can have small tastes of plain Greek yogurt. But Bengals are active and burn calories fast, so yogurt should not replace high-protein cat foods they need for energy.

Can Siamese Cats Eat Greek Yogurt?

Siamese cats can have tiny amounts of Greek yogurt as an occasional snack. But Siamese cats have sensitive stomachs, so too much dairy from yogurt may cause digestive upset.

Can Ragdoll Cats Eat Greek Yogurt?

Ragdoll cats can eat small amounts of plain Greek yogurt. But Ragdolls need a meat-based diet for their high protein requirement, so yogurt should not replace other key foods.

Can British Shorthair Cats Eat Greek Yogurt?

British Shorthairs can eat plain Greek yogurt in moderation. The probiotics support their sensitive stomachs. But limit yogurt portions since Shorthairs gain weight easily.

Can Abyssinian Cats Eat Greek Yogurt?

Abyssinian cats can have tiny tastes of Greek yogurt. But Abyssinians are active and burn calories quickly, so yogurt should not replace more nutrient-dense cat foods.

Can Scottish Fold Cats Eat Greek Yogurt?

Scottish Fold cats can have small licks of plain Greek yogurt. But Folds are prone to bone issues, so calcium and phosphorus from yogurt helps support their skeletal health.

Can Siberian Cats Eat Greek Yogurt?

Siberian cats can eat small amounts of Greek yogurt. The protein supports their muscular bodies. But Siberians have sensitive stomachs, so limit yogurt to prevent digestive upset.

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