Can Cats Eat Beets? A Nutritious and Delicious Treat for Cats

Can Cats Eat Beets? A Nutritious and Delicious Treat for Cats

Can cats eat beets? This is a common question for cat owners wondering if it’s safe to share this colorful root vegetable with their feline friends. In this article, we’ll take a look at the nutritional content of beets, the benefits and risks of feeding beets to cats, and how to safely introduce them. Keep reading to learn more about whether cats can and should eat beets.

Beets, also known as beetroot, are a sweet, nutritious root vegetable packed with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The vibrant purple color comes from betalains, plant pigments with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Can Cats Eat Beets? For humans, beets provide benefits like improving blood flow, reducing blood pressure, and boosting athletic performance. But can cats also gain nutritional value from beets? Let’s find out.


Can Cats Eat Beets? Beets are root vegetables growing underground that come in a variety of colors like red, purple or golden. The main nutrients in beets include fiber, folate, manganese, potassium, vitamin C and iron. Eating beets offers benefits for humans like supporting heart health, enhancing exercise performance, and reducing inflammation.

With the popularity of juicing beets and using them in recipes, many cat owners wonder whether it’s safe and healthy to share small amounts of this veggie with cats. Can Cats Eat Beets? While beets do contain some beneficial nutrients, they also have compounds that can be problematic for felines if consumed in excess. The answer on whether cats can eat beets is more nuanced than a straight yes or no.

Can cats eat beets?

The simple answer is yes, cats can eat beets safely and gain some nutritional value from this veggie. In small, occasional amounts, beets are non-toxic and may provide health benefits to cats. Specifically, beets contain manganese, vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants that can support immune health, digestion and inflammation in cats when eaten in moderation.

However, there are some risks and downsides to feeding beets to cats. First, beets contain oxalates, naturally-occurring compounds that can crystalize in the urinary tract and cause kidney stones in cats. Cats with existing kidney issues should not eat beets. Second, the high fiber content in beets could cause gastrointestinal upset in some cats if they are given too much.

In conclusion, Can Cats Eat Beets? Occasional beet snacks are likely safe for most healthy cats, but they should not make up a substantial portion of your cat’s diet. Talk to your vet before introducing new foods.

Is beets safe for cats?

Can Cats Eat Beets? Cats are naturally drawn to colorful foods and unusual textures, so the vibrant hue and crunchy nature of raw beets may intrigue them. Cats also have a keen sense of smell and may show interest in the sweet, earthy aroma of beets. While they may seem harmlessly appetizing, beets do come with risks.

As obligate carnivores, cats lack the proper enzymes to digest high amounts of carbohydrates and plant matter. Their digestive systems are tailored to deriving nutrients from meat and animal products. Can Cats Eat Beets? Large quantities of beets could upset your cat’s stomach, causing vomiting or diarrhea. Start with very small taste tests first.

Is beets poisonous to cats?

Can Cats Eat Beets? Beets are not inherently toxic or poisonous to cats in small amounts. However, two compounds found in beets can be dangerous if cats consume too much:

  • Oxalic acid – This compound binds to calcium and can lead to the formation of crystals and kidney stones over time. Cats with kidney disease should avoid beets altogether.
  • Nitrates – Beets contain nitrates that convert to nitrites. Nitrite poisoning can occur if very high amounts are ingested, resulting in muscle tremors, difficulty breathing, and potentially death.

Can Cats Eat Beets? Toxicity is only a concern if your cat eats a large quantity of beets in a short time.Monitor your cat closely and limit beet intake to reduce risks.

Benefits of beets for cats

Though beets should only be an occasional snack, they can provide some nutritional value for cats:

  • Source of vitamin C – Helps support immune system health.
  • Dietary fiber – Improves digestion and gut health.
  • Manganese – An essential mineral for development and metabolism.
  • Antioxidants like betalains – Reduce inflammation and cell damage.

In moderation, beets may provide antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that benefit cats. But a balanced cat diet should still emphasize animal-based proteins as the main staple.

How much beets can cats eat?

There is no established safe amount of beets for cats. As carnivores, they have little need for vegetable matter in their diet. Beets should only make up about 1-5% of your cat’s total daily calories.

For an average 10 pound cat, that equates to:

  • 1-2 small slices per week – Too many beets may cause GI upset
  • More than 4 oz per day – May impair nutrient absorption
  • Over 8 oz – Potentially toxic due to oxalates

Can Cats Eat Beets? The bottom line is beets should only be an occasional treat in tiny amounts. Moderation is key when feeding beets to cats.

How to feed beets to cats

Here are some tips for introducing beets safely:

  • Start with a tiny piece of cooked beet (1 bite or less)
  • Make sure beets are peeled, chopped, cooked, and cooled
  • Mix a small amount into their regular wet cat food
  • Avoid raw beets which are harder to digest
  • Gradually increase amount if no GI upset occurs
  • Cats may ignore beets at first, be patient
  • Never force-feed – let your cat eat at their own pace

Can Cats Eat Beets? Stop feeding beets if you notice symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of appetite. Introduce new foods slowly and watch for reactions. Consult your vet if concerns arise.

Alternatives and supplements

Rather than beets, feed your cat:

  • Carrots – Good source of vitamin A
  • Blueberries – Packed with antioxidants
  • Broccoli – High in vitamin C and fiber
  • Pumpkin – Supports digestion and immunity
  • Fish – Provides omega-3 fatty acids
  • Meat – Cats thrive on high-protein animal products

Quality cat food brands include:

  • Wellness Core – Grain-free, high protein
  • Instinct – Raw frozen formulas
  • Taste of the Wild – Limited ingredients
  • Orijen – Rich meats and fish
  • Solid Gold – Natural ingredients

In conclusion, Can Cats Eat Beets? Occasional tiny portions of cooked beet can provide cats some nutritional enrichment, but moderation is extremely important. Work with your veterinarian when making any major dietary changes. As obligate carnivores, cats do best on a meat-based diet, not vegetables.

Can cats have beets?

In very small amounts, cooked beets are likely safe for most cats to eat on occasion. But they should not become a regular part of your cat’s diet.

Can kittens eat beets?

No, kittens should not eat any beets. Their developing digestive and urinary tracts are even more vulnerable to oxalates.

Can Maine Coon cats eat beets?

Maine Coon cats can try a tiny taste of cooked beets. But they are prone to certain health issues, so beets should be restricted overall.

Can Persian cats eat beets?

It’s best to avoid feeding Persian cats beets. Their flat faces and respiratory issues make them more susceptible to oxalate complications.

Can Sphynx cats eat beets?

Hairless Sphynx cats often have sensitive digestion, so beets may cause stomach upset. Very small sampled amounts could be tested.

Can Bengal cats eat beets?

Active Bengal cats burn calories quickly, but beets should still only be an occasional snack, not a staple.

Can Siamese cats eat beets?

Siamese cats are talkative – listen for signs of displeasure like meowing or growling if given beets. Stop feeding if they seem distressed

Can Ragdoll cats eat beets?

The gentle Ragdoll personality makes them less prone to overindulge, but still limit beet intake to tiny portions.

Can British Shorthair cats eat beets?

Though typically robust, British Shorthairs do better with meat-based protein. Vegetables like beets should be restricted.

Can Abyssinian cats eat beets?

The active Abyssinian can try small beet amounts, but their digestive sensitivity means moderation is key.

Can Scottish Fold cats eat beets?

Scottish Folds are at risk for bone and joint issues. As oxalates deplete calcium, beets should be avoided.

Can Siberian cats eat beets?

Siberians have hearty appetites but may lack the enzymes to digest plant matter properly. Keep beet portions tiny.

What happens if cats eat too many beets?

Consuming too many beets may cause vomiting, diarrhea, oxalate crystals in urine, kidney damage, and abnormal heart rhythms in extreme cases.

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