The greatest distinguishing feature of Siamese cats is their sleek, distinctive appearance. Siamese cats can have coats that are orange, brown, cream, blue, or lilac in tone, among other hues, despite the fact that many of these gorgeous cats have silver-gray coats and blue eyes. More than only their enigmatic beauty, Siamese cats are renowned for many other qualities.

Siamese cats are among the oldest domestic cat breeds in the world, and the temperature of their environment as well as their genetic makeup affects the color of their coat.
If you want to learn more and see some lovely Siamese cats, keep reading.
- Coat coloring
As we’ve already mentioned, Siamese cats’ coats can have a dizzying array of colors, and these colors aren’t solely determined by genes. Get your lab coat ready and get ready for a quick course in biology.
The color of a cat’s coat is determined by several gene sets, and the pattern is determined by modifier genes. Yes, genetics 101. But Siamese cats have a special modifier gene that suppresses the growth of fur pigment, resulting in albinism. However, thanks to the wonders of science, the modifier gene for albinism can only affect the cat’s fur above a particular temperature, or between 100 and 102.5 degrees.
If a Siamese cat’s body temperature drops below 100 degrees or the cat is in a cooler environment, the genes responsible for her coat color turn back on and deliver pigment to her fur. Because those parts of the cat’s body are cooler, Siamese cats’ noses, ears, paws, and tails are where pigment is most frequently deposited.
Most Siamese cats are born completely white, and over the course of the next weeks, their markings start to take shape. Why? the high temperature of the womb, which prevents the cat’s color gene from reaching her fur, is the cause of this. After being exposed to a cooler environment for a few weeks and after birth, siamese kittens start to develop color around their faces, tails, and paws.

- A race of elders
No one is aware of the precise date when Siamese cats were originally bred and domesticated, although it is thought that they originated in Thailand somewhere in the 14th century because they first showed up in a Thai document. They would then be among the earliest cat breeds in existence.
- Typical Features
For a very long time, many Siamese cats had crossed eyes and twisted, kinked tails. Even though certain hereditary factors likely had a role in the development of these traits, several urban legends offered alternative justifications for Siamese cats’ unusual appearance.
According to one legend, Siamese cats were tasked with keeping an eye on a golden royal goblet. The cats carried on with their routines while fixating on the goblet so intently that their eyes started to glaze over. They also permanently twisted their tails as they wrapped them around the goblet for extra security.
Siamese cats with crossed eyes and crooked tails are still common today, though less commonly. These traits were “undesirable,” according to cat enthusiasts, who utilized selective breeding to get rid of them. We assert that the cats are merely performing their security guard duties.

- Royal Protocol
Thai royal families valued siamese cats for their distinctive, unusual, and attractive appearance hundreds of years ago. A Siamese cat would receive its owner’s soul after death and spend the remainder of its long life being cared for by priests and monks in a temple, according to the royal family’s true beliefs. What a task, eh?
- The President’s cats
Siamese cats have been domesticated for many years in Asia, but it wasn’t until the late 1800s that they were brought to the United States. Siamese cats have a history at the White House as well; President Rutherford B. Haye’s wife, Lucy, was one of the earliest known owners of one. Her Siamese cat, Siam, was a gift from an American diplomat based in Thailand.
- Notable actors
Classic movies including That Darn Cat!, The Lady and the Tramp, and The Incredible Journey all featured siamese cats. The main character of That Darn Cat is a Siamese cat named DC (or Darn Cat), who helps to stop a kidnapping.
In the 1960s, two real Siamese cats assisted in foiling espionage, and DC from That Darn Cat! assisted in foiling a phony kidnapping. At the Dutch embassy in Moscow, Russia, two Siamese cats were scratching at a wall. Their owner thought they were reacting to a disturbance that was audible only to animals. He was right; underneath the wall, thirty small microphones were discovered.
- Animals That Talk
If you have ever owned a Siamese cat or been around one, you are aware of its talkative personality. The day and night experiences of Siamese cats are openly discussed, including their meals, observations made via the window, and pretty much anything else.
- How old on average are Siamese cats?
Siamese cats live from 15 to 20 year old, normally.
- How big do Siamese cats get?
Siamese cats, affectionately known as “Meezers,” are small-to-medium sized cats that weigh 8 to 14 pounds when they’re full grown.
- Why are Siamese cats so vocal?
Siamese cats are so vocal because they’re more social than other cats. They want to communicate with you!
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