Black Cats: 5 Pawsitively Fascinating Facts

This feline is more than just a Halloween symbol

Black cats are commonly linked to good luck, witchcraft, and Halloween. Despite their negative reputation, they are distinctive cats with a rich history that dates back to the Middle Ages, and they are said to bring good luck in many countries.

Continue reading for more fascinating details if you’re curious to discover more about these historical figures.

1. Historical Witches and Black Cats

Do you know why black cats, while being well-known Halloween symbols and, strangely enough, the most popular Halloween costume for both young children and women in their first year of college, have such a bad reputation?

Black cats were initially connected to Satan, witches, and witchcraft during the Middle Ages. Black cats were once even thought to be the helpers or even the actual witches themselves by certain people. Because of this widespread misconception, black cats were ruthlessly killed in great numbers, and occasionally even their owners.

Black cats continue to symbolize all things frightful and still cause some sense of anxiety in people. In October, several animal shelters will not adopt out black cats out of fear that they would be killed.

  1. Your Bond Can Be Strengthened by Black Cats

Contrary to popular belief, cat women are not always single. The belief that black cats can enhance your romantic life is widespread.

One example is the claim that single Japanese women who keep black cats draw more suitors. A black cat is the best wedding present in the English Midlands of Great Britain since it is thought that cats will bring the bride luck and happiness.

  1. Black cats can be lucky for you.

Along with your love life, black cats may also increase your luck and financial situation. The British sailors believed that a black cat would bring luck to the ship and guarantee a secure return. In the past, sailors would keep cats on board their ships to get rid of rodents and, presumably, for company.

It was a little more difficult for pirates. They thought it was lucky to see a black cat moving away from you and unlucky to see a black cat moving in your direction. They also thought the ship would sink if a cat entered and then leaped out.

A black cat appearing at your home or passing you on the street is a sign of fortune for those of us outside the marine industry (in England and Ireland).

  1. Black Cats Are Disease-Resistant.

The genetic alterations in cats that give them their black coats may also serve as a disease defense, according to National Institutes of Health researchers. In reality, the mutations impact the same genes that give people HIV resistance.

Cats make great models for studying human disease since they are susceptible to many of the same health problems as people, such as cancer, HIV, and Alzheimer’s disease, to mention a few. Researchers may be able to understand how to prevent disease in people by understanding how cats have evolved to tolerate diseases.

  1. Color Change in Black Cats

Your black cat’s fur could turn rusty brown if he has the tabby stripe gene and likes to spend his days outside in the sun. Why? The color of the fur deteriorates in the sun, exposing the tabby stripes underneath.


  • How long do black cats live?

The average lifespan of a house cat is about 15 years, give or take.

  • What breed are black cats?

There are more than a dozen breeds of black cat, but the ones you’ll encounter most often are mixed-breed American shorthair.

  • Why do black cats have bald spots?

Black cats have a reputation for getting more bald spots than other cats, but it’s really an optical illusion: we notice the spots more because the cat is black. That being said, cats get bald spots for many reasons, from fleas to parasites. If your black cat has a bald spot, ask your vet why!

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