There is nothing wrong with popular cat names like Sooty, Tiger and Oscar, but, sometimes, standing out from the crowd and picking from more unique male cat names can be a good thing.
Bringing home an adopted cat or new kitten can be such an exciting and overwhelming time. It can be hard to be struck by inspiration when you are focussed on getting your cat settled into their new home.
Our list of unique male cat names will, hopefully, offer up some ideas to spark the imagination.

Do you have a cat that is a little monkey and always getting up to mischief? They could be well suited to the cute name Birba, which means scoundrel or rascal in Italian.
If you have a cat that loves everyone and is full of sweet-tempered affection, then you couldn’t pick a better name than Bryer. This Canadian based title means gentle and sweet.
For those car enthusiasts out there, then Bugatti could be a fun name for your cat. It would be especially apt if they are a speed demon that has bundles of energy and wants to play continuously. Bugatti cars are regularly in the top ten fastest cars on the planet.

If your cat is unfailingly loyal, then Caleb may be the perfect name for them. It is a Hebrew name, and it signifies faithfulness, devotion and also courage too.
If you are feeling nostalgic for a childhood in the mid 21st century and you have a very regal-looking cat, then Carbonel could be a great name choice, especially if they are black. This was the name of the speaking cat in the children’s books by Barbara Sleigh. In case you have young children, they would also no doubt love being read the stories that inspired the name of their cat!
For fans of classic fantasy literature, you can’t go wrong with a character name from Lord of the Rings. What better name than Gandalf, in honor of the main wizard in the novel. It may not be as unique as some of the other names on this list, but it is one that would suit a white or grey cat with a wise character.
Cats are often named after greek or nordic gods. It is not uncommon (especially after the popularity of the Marvel Movies) to hear of cats being called Loki or Thor. For those who have a cat that is lazy and loves to lounge around all day, the more unusual choice of Hypnos could be well suited. This was the Greek God of Sleep.

This is a famous British savory spread that has developed into a term that’s used to describe something that is very strongly divisive. If something is like Marmite, then you either ‘love it or hate it’. When you have a cat with a very distinct personality, that not everyone takes to, then Marmite could be the perfect cute, unique name for them.
If your cat is constantly misbehaving and embarrassing you in front of guests, then maybe you could name them Meelap. This has its origins in Sanskrit and means embarrassment. This name could work for a female cat too.
Nermal is the adorable looking nemesis of the comic strip character Garfield. He names himself as the cutest kitten in the world. Should you have a cute looking cat with a superiority complex, what better name to go for than this.

If you have a moody cat or just one with dark grey coloring, then naming them after this dark type of raincloud could work.
If you have read the Philip Pullman Dark Materials Trilogy, you will know that the main character Lyra has a soul companion that is commonly in the form of a wildcat and he is called Pantalaimon, or Pan for short. This would be the perfect name for fans of the novel, or for an extremely sensible cat who is the antithesis of reckless.
If you have a white cat and you are looking for a more unique name than the common Snowy or Marshmallow, then what about Shiro? This is a Japanese word that means white.
Who can forget this lovable fluffy blue character from the Pixar movie Monsters Inc? The little girl Boo endearingly refers to him as ‘Kitty’ throughout the first movie. So if you have a fluffy, gentle giant of a cat then this name would be a great match.
Tigger is a popular cat name. Who doesn’t love the famous character from Winnie the Pooh? It isn’t exactly an unique title though. If you love these books and you have a cat that is timid and shy, then why not name them, in an ironic fashion, after these villainous honey stealing characters instead.
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